Štajerske dvorne službe do leta 1311
Styrian Court Offices until 1311
Maribor v 13. stoletju. 2. del: cerkvene institucije v mestu in okoli njega
Maribor in the 13th Century. Part 2: Ecclesiastical Institutions in the City and its Surrounding Area
Strokovna leksika v Kremplovih Dogodivšinah štajerske zemle
Professional Vocabulary in Krempl's Dogodivšine štajerske zemle (The History of the Land of Styria)
Prvo jugoslovansko leto Slovencev – gospodarski ukrepi, razhajanja in negotovosti
The First Yugoslav Year of Slovenes – Economic Measures, Divergences and Uncertainties
Organizacija mladinskega skrbstva v mestni občini Maribor v obdobju med obema vojnama
The Construction of Youth Care in the Municipality of Maribor in the Period between the Two World Wars
Retribution against Collaborators of the Occupiers after the End of the Second World War: The Concept of "National Honour"
Obračun s sodelavci okupatorjev po koncu druge svetovne vojne: koncept "narodne časti"
Proces narodne sprave in vloga politične elite v njem: Slovenija kot izjema med državami srednje in vzhodne Evrope
Process of National Reconciliation and the Role of the Political elite in it: Slovenia as an Exception in Central and Eastern Europe
Uresničevanje otrokovih pravic v izven kurikularnih športnih aktivnosti
Enforcing Children's Rights in the Extracurricular Sports Activities