Narodni svet in slovenska samoodločba leta 1918
The National Council and Slovenian Self-determination in 1918
Nastanek Države Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov 29. oktobra 1918 in njen narodnozgodovinski pomen
The Emergence of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs on October 29, 1918 and its National Historical Significance
Kulturnoprosvetne razmere na Slovenskem ob državnem prelomu leta 1918
Culture and Education in the Slovenian Lands in 1918, in the Period of Disintegrating and Emerging States
"Raje pa hočemo nemško umreti, kakor laško ali slovansko trohneti" – mariborski Nemci v letu 1918
"But We would rather Die German than to Rot as Italians or Slavs" – the Maribor Germans in 1918
Odnos Velike Britanije do Avstro-Ogrske leta 1918 in dogajanja na Koroškem po koncu prve svetovne vojne
The Attitude of Great Britain to Austria-Hungary in 1918 and the Events in Carinthia After the End of the First World War
Evropa in svet ob koncu Velike vojne
Europe and the World at the End of the Great War
Slovensko ozemlje pod vtisom umika avstro-ogrske vojske jeseni 1918
The Slovenian Theritory under the Impression of the Retreat of the Austro-Hungarian Army in the Fall of 1918
"Vojne je konec, a še naprej jemlje svoj davek" – slovenski in hrvaški vojni ujetniki ob koncu prve svetovne vojne in vpliv zakasnele repatriacije na vsakdanje življenje njihovih svojcev
"The War is Over, yet it Continues to Take its Toll" – Slovenian and Croatian Prisoners of War at the End of World War I and the Impact of the Late Repatriation on the Everyday Life of their Relatives
Novi izzivi in nove naloge za Cerkev ob koncu prve svetovne vojne na socialnem področju
New Challenges and New Tasks for the Church in the Field of the Social Work at the End of World War I
Slovensko slovo od Habsburžanov
Slovenian Farewell to the Habsburgs